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SELENOF_ENST00000616787 ,SELENOF ,O60613
  • Number of GO Term: 18
GO term GO name GO namespace GO def
GO:0006323 DNA packaging biological_process Any process in which DNA and associated proteins are formed into a compact, orderly structure. [GOC:mah, ISBN:0815316194]
GO:0005788 endoplasmic reticulum lumen cellular_component The volume enclosed by the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. [ISBN:0198547684]
GO:0006458 'de novo' protein folding biological_process The process of assisting in the folding of a nascent peptide chain into its correct tertiary structure. [GOC:mb]
GO:0016491 oxidoreductase activity molecular_function Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction, a reversible chemical reaction in which the oxidation state of an atom or atoms within a molecule is altered. One substrate acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and becomes oxidized, while the other acts as hydrogen or electron acceptor and becomes reduced. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0051276 chromosome organization biological_process A process that is carried out at the cellular level that results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of chromosomes, structures composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins that carries hereditary information. This term covers covalent modifications at the molecular level as well as spatial relationships among the major components of a chromosome. [GOC:ai, GOC:dph, GOC:jl, GOC:mah]
GO:0022414 reproductive process biological_process A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals by one or two organisms. The new individuals inherit some proportion of their genetic material from the parent or parents. [GOC:dph, GOC:isa_complete]
GO:0016684 oxidoreductase activity, acting on peroxide as acceptor molecular_function Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which the peroxide group acts as a hydrogen or electron acceptor. [GOC:ai]
GO:0016043 cellular component organization biological_process A process that results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component. [GOC:ai, GOC:jl, GOC:mah]
GO:0006457 protein folding biological_process The process of assisting in the covalent and noncovalent assembly of single chain polypeptides or multisubunit complexes into the correct tertiary structure. [GOC:go_curators, GOC:rb]
GO:0005515 protein binding molecular_function Binding to a protein. [GOC:go_curators]
GO:0005488 binding molecular_function The selective, non-covalent, often stoichiometric, interaction of a molecule with one or more specific sites on another molecule. [GOC:ceb, GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732]
GO:0022412 cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism biological_process A process, occurring at the cellular level, that is involved in the reproductive function of a multicellular organism. [GOC:isa_complete]
GO:0071840 cellular component organization or biogenesis biological_process A process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component. [GOC:mah]
GO:0003824 catalytic activity molecular_function Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. [GOC:vw, ISBN:0198506732]
GO:0006996 organelle organization biological_process A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of an organelle within a cell. An organelle is an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane. [GOC:mah]
GO:0006325 chromatin organization biological_process Any process that results in the specification, formation or maintenance of the physical structure of eukaryotic chromatin. [GOC:mah, GOC:vw, PMID:20404130]
GO:0071103 DNA conformation change biological_process A cellular process that results in a change in the spatial configuration of a DNA molecule. A conformation change can bend DNA, or alter the, twist, writhe, or linking number of a DNA molecule. [GOC:mah]
GO:0009987 cellular process biological_process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level. [GOC:go_curators, GOC:isa_complete]